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Paradise Lost - 小林太郎

櫻井孝宏10回150↓ 音樂鑒賞 (————————————)

hi (嘿!)

hi (嘿!)

hi (嘿1)

I am what I am, but who am I? (我就是我,但我又是谁?)

Can't remember, brain tormented (记忆被抹除,大脑如同撕裂)

Isolated, lost in my senses (在孤独中沦陷,直至迷失了自我)

Desecrated---aching, my spirit (亵渎!渴望!我的灵魂在哀嚎)

Desecrated---aching, my spirit (蔑视!痛苦!我的灵魂在嘶吼)

Never, ever no---forever, this endless war (永远,永远,这场战争将永不止息)

And yet, I bet, no regret, I could handle more (但是,我发誓,我将赢得胜利不留遗憾)

「Destroy it all++」 (“毁灭!!!”)

That call... So defined, so specific; carved on my mind, hieroglyphics (当这血红的符文清晰地映现)

Ahhh.... I get it. It's proof of the truth, the one darkest pact (我瞬间知晓了一切,无处躲藏,这是最残忍的诅咒)

Ahhh.... I get it. It's proof of the truth, the one darkest pact (不可逃避,这是最黑暗的契约)

No excuse to ensue, better chew---on that: the chronic track inflicting naked fact (天道轮回,无需再言)

Let me feel the power that could rip me to shreds (身体在撕裂!)

Can't last one more hour, how soon will I meet my end? (时日已无多!)

I can't return to those days that I've forgotten (昔日时光随记忆一同消散)

But the memories fade, leaving me thinking (最后时刻仅容我孤身思考)

It is what it is, but where are we? (宇宙之大,竟无容身之所)

World in my hand, palm of the damned (曾将世界玩弄于鼓掌,但却忘了手中的魔盒)

Chaos unleashed, the fall of man (释放!绝望!堕入!深渊!)

Fallen belief--- deceased, demon's command (在堕落中寻找信仰,迎来的却是死亡和诅咒)

Infernal, inferno, infamous malevolence (地狱,恶魔,是灵魂深处的梦魇)

So evil, medieval, meticulous irreverence (这邪恶の中世纪,是人性的泯灭)

So evil, medieval, meticulous irreverence (是道德的沦丧)

「Destroy it all++」 (“毁灭!!!”)

You crawl with no vision; soul burned, cruel ambition imprisoned (我在黑暗中挣扎,灵魂已被灼伤,野心也被囚禁)

But I'm proud to present my ascent, your torment: the dark prince (但我毫无畏惧,黑暗王子,拜你的折磨所赐,我的灵魂已经升华)

Ruler and ruled, king of delusion; Ruler and ruled, king of delusion (统治一切的妄想之王啊!)

Mock me mortal? Final conclusion (你最后想表达的,就只有对我的嘲笑吗?)

Let me feel the power that could rip me to shreds (身体在撕裂!)

Can't last one more hour, how soon will I meet my end? (时日已无多!)

I can't return to those days that I've forgotten (昔日时光随记忆一同消散)

But the memories fade, leaving me thinking (最后时刻仅容我孤身思考)

How many times will my world revolve, future resolved, lost child in eternity, darkness evolved? (我的世界天旋地转,命数已定,不就如同迷路的孩子陷入黑暗泥沼?)

Doesn't matter much, deception: fated, anxiety: clutch, (从此再无所谓欺骗,宿命,焦虑和恐惧)

Clutch more souls---A few thousand to live, a few million's enough (让成千上万的灵魂颤栗!恐惧!)

'Nough. to become, to succumb, to crumble, to plunge, to feel the hatred (让他们屈服,崩溃,沉沦,憎恨!)

To grow numb (麻木!!!)

「Destroy it all++」 (“毁灭!!!”)

10%了 少し本気を出す、ついてこれるか (————————————)

丢个湿婆炸一波 第三の楽園 paradise lost(男人发光 女人回血) (————————————)

Let me feel the power that could rip me to shreds (身体在撕裂!)

Can't last one more hour, how soon will I meet my end? (时日已无多!)

I can't return to those days that I've forgotten (昔日时光随记忆一同消散)

But the memories fade, leaving me thinking (最后时刻仅容我孤身思考)

Let me feel the power that could rip me to shreds (身体在撕裂!)

Can't last one more hour, how soon will I meet my end? (时日已无多!)

I can't return to those days that I've forgotten (昔日时光随记忆一同消散)

But the memories fade, leaving me thinking (最后时刻仅容我孤身思考)

The memories fade, leaving me thinking (孤身思考!!!)

00:03 / 05:57 





版权声明:Project458 发表于 2021年6月10日 下午12:55。
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